Wednesday, November 24, 2010

poem place

L.L. Barkat wonderfully gives poem ideas that can be a fun launching place for a poem.
As I haven't been reading the blogs linked here a whole lot lately, I'm a little behind on this. Here goes anyway. Oh, & to keep with the thankfulness of this week, I'm thankful for all the blog links to the right of my posts...
[this is very rambling...]

A poem of here

I sit here
amid the piles of papers
whishing I had taken better care of things
wishing I was “done” with them
done with projects
wires & speakers
setting on the desk
that is too big for the room
the room
that seems too small for my plans
there seems to be no room in here for me
and I should love to fix this mess
another fine mess I’m in
yet it is here that I also
amid the piles of neglect
write thanks to Yahweh
for many of the reasons
this room is messy
friends that I spend time with
a cold wife
who loves to cuddle with her warm husband
the room is chaos
& I listen to a chaotic piano
from a metal band that isn’t “usual”
which reminds me how
not “usual” I, myself, am
my printer setting inches from where I’m typing
a borrowed Bible
a borrowed poem book
borrowed classical music
a jump drive lying,
abandoned on the desk slightly in from of the speakers
I’m listening to music
but not on them
on headphones
yet another spaghetti cord
slithering about this chaos
yet I am laughingly calm
which doesn’t even make sense
waiting to buy a newspaper that will be
lathered with sales papers
almost resembling something I don’t even eat
-a taco
the “normal paper” being the shell
and the meaty reason I buy it
spilling out onto my floor soon
Yet I am thankful still
for the truth that
even though things are messy here
barely room amid the mess to move my chair
I am moving forward
the messy piles
remnants of
an “old self”
dying too slowly
yet dying all the same
and getting help from
the me that is being born
in it’s place
all this running through my mind
as I sit in this space

by B.E. Noll

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

L.L. Barkat said...

the repetition of "borrowed" was a nice touch, the way borrowing itself has a sense of continuance