There is so much I could say. I've been blessed to watch one of, if not the greatest, love relationships there is. My Mother & Dad.
Then... there is the greatest story of love ever told. The love of God. I'll be listening to: Over the Rhine, Sting, Norah Jones, Paul McCartney, Van Morrison, among others.
I wondered how I could write anything that resembles poetry. I never really read any... or did I not realize that's what it was. To this effect, I post a Love song [of sorts] to God.
the Trumpet Child
by Over the Rhine
The trumpet child
will blow his horn
Will blast the sky
till it’s reborn
With Gabriel’s power
and Satchmo’s grace
He will
the human race
The trumpet he
will use to blow
Is being
out of fire
The mouthpiece is
a glowing coal
The bell a burst
of wild desire
The trumpet child
will riff on love
Thelonious notes
from up above
He’ll improvise
a kingdom come
Accompanied by
a different drum
The trumpet child
will banquet here
Until the lost
are truly found
A thousand days,
a thousand years
Nobody knows
for sure how long
The rich forget
about their gold
The meek and mild
are strangely bold
A lion lies
beside a lamb
And licks
a murderer’s
outstretched hand
The trumpet child
will lift a glass
His bride now leaning
in at last
His final aim
to fill with joy
The earth
that man
all but
Granted... maybe only in my strange mind is this a love song.
Anyway, enjoy tomorrow.
Be glad for all the relationships you've been blessed with.
[because you didn't have to be... & you never know...
how long you will be blessed with them]
My Valentine - Paul McCartneyCrazy love - Michael BubleMy Funny Valentine - Over the RhineMickey
...she has the name
of a famous mouse
& it's carved
onto my heart
never to be removed
carved by a man
who's earthly father
was a carpenter
carved there by a man
who knows
what love really is
her smile
is like the sun
rising at dawn
her eyes
like the evening stars
her voice
is the sound my ears yearn for
I know her so well
I can hear her smile
on the phone
in the way it changes her melodic voice
when she holds my hand
our skin
feels like sparklers lit for the 4th of July
her lips are a pink ribbon
her eyelashes
so wonderfully made
why would The Artist
allow me to live
with such
a work of art
as her?
While I cannot answer that
I can say
I'm glad He did...
Thank you Jesu, for allowing me to have a partner in life.
thank you for making Mickey. Thank you for sharing her with me.
I pray that I can grow into being a much better husband, than I have been.
welcome to the "sappy, mushy, closet romantic" side of me,
b.e. noll